Jewelry, the Gift of Love

Jewelry has fascinated, thrilled and awed the world for centuries. No other consumer item can rival jewelry’s history, mystery and exotic allure. It’s the most romantic, intimate, emotion-filled gift you can buy this holiday season. Jewelry is the ultimate symbol of love.

What makes jewelry so special? Consider some of its rival love tokens. Flowers die. Candy gets eaten. Cards get thrown out or stashed away. But jewelry speaks louder than words – and it lasts a lifetime. That’s why you see so many jewelry heirlooms that get handed down from generation to generation

Certainly, jewelry’s romantic past makes it a natural gift for lovers to bestow on one another. Austria’s Archduke Maximilian presented the first diamond engagement ring on record to his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy, in 1477. The ring was placed on the third finger of her left hand, based on an ancient Egyptian belief that this finger contained a “love vein” that ran directly to the heart. And we’ve been celebrating our eternal love and commitment to one another in much the same way

Signs of jewelry’s close association with love are evident everywhere today. Look at the recent popularity of the three-stone ring as an engagement or anniversary ring. The stones stand for the couple’s past, present and future together – what other gift can match the romance, emotion and devotion inspired by this item?

Also, consider the awe-inspiring way that most jewelry came into our hands. Most gemstones, for instance, were formed deep in the earth, millions of years ago, as a result of intense heat and pressure. Some, such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, are extremely rare and valuable, especially in their finest qualities. Each stone is unique; many are exceptionally durable (in the case of diamonds, it is the hardest known substance on Earth); all are beautiful in their own way.

And because of the rarity of many of these stones (diamonds in particular), you can count on them holding their value – both monetarily and emotionally.

Jewelry also has been ascribed with many mystical properties over the ages: everything from ensuring health, wealth, power and luck to its wearers. It’s also an important marker that we use as a gift to celebrate many of life’s milestones.

So next time you really want to show your love, forget cards, flowers or chocolates. Instead, get the one gift that’s sure to unlock the key to her heart: fine jewelry.